Maria Rosaria Tabilio, Coordinator

Dr. Maria Rosaria Tabilio graduated in 1979 in Biological Sciences at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" . In 1986 specializing in General Pathology at the University of Rome " La Sapienza". In 1981she won an allowance Vocational Training CNR until June 1990. Since 1990 in the roles of the CRA - Fruit Tree Research Centre  of Rome. In this context, the scientific activity covers the following research topics : research aimed at identifying parasitoids of Ceratitis capitata ; research in organically cultivated fruit farming in comparison with  conventionally cultivated fruit ;  application of mating disruption on a large scale ; control of C. capitata with different sustainable strategies; studies for the identification  of peach, apricot and kiwifruit  varieties less susceptible to attack by C. capitata ; study of the spatio-temporal distribution of the Mediterranean fruit fly on peach and citrus trees ; identification of useful markers for the " traceability" of organically cultivated fruits ; study of the fruit aroma profiles in relation to the attack of some carpophagous insects; studies on biodiversity and the use of hedges.


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