During the First Day of the Final Consotrium Meeting of the FruitFlyNet, the Beneficiary of the project (AUA) hosted an Open Workshop (Training for Trainers) and a Demo in the project Test Site (OliveFlyNet Scenario).

The Workshop took place in the Conference Hall of the Agricultural University of Athens (09:00 - 13:00), and the demo took place in the FruitFlyNet test site in Koropi, Attiki (13:00 - 15:30). Both were attended by 44 beneficiaries (scientists, representative of local authorities, local press, members of the academia etc.) All participants were highly interested in the OliveFlyNet outputs and results and gave to the project an excellent feedback.

The Open Day Workshop (Training for Trainers) was dedicated in:

  • Presenting the FruitFlyNet prototype for the case of olive fruit fly, the pilot implementation in the Balearic Islands, in Al-Balka, Jordan and in Attiki, Hellenic Republic.

  • Explaining the Wireless Sensor Network architectures and Web Services for FruitFlyNet prototype.

The Demo was held in the AUA (project) Test Site in Koropi, Attiki (Hellenic Republic) on December 7th, 2015,  it was separated in 5 sessions, and presented the mobile LAS, GIS, ReTIC traps and WMSN deployed. The purpose of the demonstration was to present to the public the OliveFlyNet prototype, monitoring and spraying procedures, as a tool for e-monitoring insect population and ground spraying control/ treatment in open field conditions through the deployed WMSNs in each pilot site. For the above reasons, apart from the presentation of the new technology deployed and of the monitoring procedures, a “blank” ground spraying application took place based infestation risk map created by the mobile GIS.


View the day's Agenda here

Training Presentations:

FruitFlyNet project overview

FruitFlyNet prototype: The case of olive fly

OliveFlyNet pilot implementation in Balearic Islands

OliveFlyNet test site implementation in Attiki, Hellenic Republic

Wireless Sensor Network architectures and Web Services for FruitFlyNet prototype

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