July 16, 2015

FruiFlyNet Press Office

Current Advances of FruitFlyNet, the Real Time Insect Counting (ReTIC) trap, the software application development and results from 2 pilot sites were discussed during the 1st Dissemination Seminar in Israel (ARO).


On Wednesday July 8th the Training for Local Bodies: FruitFlyNet Dissemination Seminar was conducted in the Agricultural Research Organization (ARO) of Israel. The seminar was attended by more than 50 scientists, people involved in agricultural extension, faculty and officers from the Plant Protection and Inspection Services of Israel, as well as students of agricultural sciences and general public. The seminar presented current advances in the project and the state of the art on fruit fly management and precision targeting of fruit fly pests. Highlights of the seminar included the presentation of the project overview by Prof. T. Tsiligiridis from the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), technical aspects regarding the development of the Real Time Insect Counting trap (ReTIC) by Mr. Ben Shaked (ARO), software application development by As.Prof. D. Perdikis (AUA), and the results obtained in the first two pilot sites that run during the Spring in Agia, Thessaly, Greece and in the Arava, Israel (presentations given by Prof. N. Papadopoulos (University of Thessaly) and Dr. D. Nestel (ARO)). Welcoming words were given by Prof. Yigal Elad, director of the Institute of Plant Protection of the ARO.

All participants gave to the project an excellent feedback concerning the activities and ideas exposed during the seminar.

Bellow you can access the training material:

Performance and Lessons from the ReTIC systemPresentation of the software application development,

Dacus ciliatus and spring melon (Cucumis melo) in the Arava, Israel (InvasiveFlyNet): Monitoring and Damage

Application of the LAS concept to control the Cherry fruit fly (CherryFlyNet) - Pilot study in Agia (Thessaly), Greece

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