Carlos Barceló received his BSc in Biology from the University of Balearic Islands (2011) and his MSc in Marine Ecology in 2014. Carlos has been contributed in the department of Zoology since 2010 and he has done a course of Integrated Parasitological Control in Animals (2015).
Nowadays Carlos is doing his PhD in Biotechnology about seasonality and bionomics of Culicoides sp. which are the main vectors of Bluetongue virus in Spain. He participated in EDENext project: Biology and control of vector-borne infections in Europe (261504) (2010-2014) and the National Entomologic Surveillance of Exotic Mosquitoes in Airports and Ports of Palma in 2011 and 2014.

Carlos carried out part of his thesis in the CEH (Center for Ecology and Hydrology) in Edinburgh; Scotland (2013 and 2014) and Wallingford; England (2014). He has participated with oral presentations and posters in several meetings/congresses (EDENext, SOVE, EMCA, Bluetongue and related arboviruses, etc.) and taught “Basic field operations” subject in the first year of Biology degree (UIB, 2014).

His research interests are focused on applied entomology, vector-borne diseases, and agricultural pests.

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