Theodore Tsiligiridis, Project Coordinator

Prof. T. Tsiligiridis received his B.Sc in mathematics from the University of Athens, Greece (1972-76), his M.Sc in probability and statistics from the Manchester-Sheffield University, UK (1977-78), and his Ph.D in telecommunications from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK (1986-1989). He joined the Mathematics and Computer Science Division of the Athens University of Agriculture (AUA) as a research/teaching assistant in 1981 and he subsequently worked  with the Ministry of Defense (1982-1984). He was responsible for the development and implementation of an integrated information and decision support system for the statistical control of army materials. He elected as a lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor and full professor in 1990, 1993, 1998 and 2005 respectively, spending most of his time with the Informatics Laboratory of the AUA.

Prof. Tsiligiridis has participated in many EC projects, like RACE I/II (Advanced Telecommunications), DELTA (Distance Learning), and ORA (Tele-services in Rural Areas). He particularly worked in the areas of mobile cellular systems (R1044/RACE I/EC; 1987), performance evaluation on LANs (RSRE/MOD; 1988), and tele-services in rural areas (R2022/RACE II/EC; 1992, DART/TAP/EC 1996). He also participated in the EC project: GREEK PLAN for Restructuring Agricultural Surveys (Decisions: 85/360, 90/386, 92/587 of the EC Council of Ministers), and the EUROFARM project (under the auspice-supervision of Eurostat and the National Statistical Service of Greece, 1999/2000 Farm Structure Survey). He is currently directing one of the regional initiatives of the Greek Go-Online initiative (under the auspice-supervision of the European GoDigital project), in which he is responsible for introducing internet services and e-commerce practices in 2500 Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of the Greek region of Peloponnese.

Prof. Tsiligiridis is a member of IEEE, the Statistical Institute, the Mathematical Society, and the OR Society. His research interests include traffic modeling and performance evaluation of high-speed data networks, wireless communication, and access methods in LANs, B-ISDN, ATM and mobile and sensor networks. He also works in the area of tele-services, interactive multimedia applications, geographical information systems, location based services, and e-commerce, particularly applied in agriculture. He has over 100 publications in Scientific Journals and Conferences. 


Research Interests:

  • Computer Networking on traffic modeling (access methods, routing algorithms, etc.) and performance evaluation in fixed (LANs, B-ISDN, ATM, etc.), cellular, and multimedia wireless networks, including mobile and sensor networks.
  • Intelligent Networks and e-services: Selected topics include ambient intelligence, ubiquitous computing - communication, web information systems, intelligent user interfaces, location based services and GIS, middleware architectures, semantic web, intelligent agents, multi-agent and web-service technologies, particularly applied in environmental pervasive systems.
  • Environmental Information Technologies: Selected topics include bio and earth information systems, neural networks and related AI methods, multimedia and access methods on images and videos, machine learning, large-scale environmental networks.

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